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GLASS LINCOLN DRAPE FONTS MADE IN THE USA The Last Aladdin glass lamp using Nickel burner & hardware
Genuine Aladdin Amethyst (purple) Lincoln Drape Oil / Kerosene Lamp - Nickel hardware comes complete with the beautiful 10" Amethyst Crystal Shade (in the style of M750 but the flowers are purple) and 10" Nickel shade ring. Just add oil / kerosene (fuel not included) and light.
No home should be without a beautiful warm Genuine Aladdin Lamp. Makes a great gift too.
For your information:
All GLASS FONTS for the Genuine Aladdin LINCOLN DRAPE Oil /Kerosene Lamps are still MADE IN THE USA!
Overall height is 24"
ALADDIN OIL (item #17552 & #17554) is the finest quality fuel for Aladdin Lamps, both old and new, and is your best alternative to K-1 Grade Kerosene for heating and lighting. If you must use Kerosene please choose the CLEAR K-1 grade kerosene. Please DO NOT use liquid paraffin in your Aladdin Oil Lamps as it will damage the Burner, Wick and Mantle.