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Product List

C6192 Clear Lincoln Drape Aladdin Oil / Kerosene Lamp  - Brass (USA) (SKU: C6192)C6192 Clear Lincoln Drape Aladdin Oil / Kerosene Lamp - Brass (USA) (SKU: C6192)All burners now sold with these lamps use the Slip style Gallery. When purchasing replacement chimneys for your new Aladdin lamp, look for the Heelless chimney model R-910. The mantles are still the Lox-On style
Virtual Bridal shower for Rabecca (from our shipping department)   (Each Qty of 1 = $1.00) (SKU: Bridal SHOWER for Rabecca  ** Each  Qty is  1.00 **)Virtual Bridal shower for Rabecca (from our shipping department) (Each Qty of 1 = $1.00) (SKU: Bridal SHOWER for Rabecca ** Each Qty is 1.00 **)
Special Employee Appreciation Gift (SKU: TIP)
Feuerhand Lantern (MANY colors) **** (SKU: Feuerhand lantern)Feuerhand Lantern (MANY colors) **** (SKU: Feuerhand lantern)
Clear Lincoln Drape Aladdin Oil Table Lamp  - Nickel (USA) (SKU: C6192N)Clear Lincoln Drape Aladdin Oil Table Lamp - Nickel (USA) (SKU: C6192N)All burners now sold with these lamps use the Slip style Gallery. When purchasing replacement chimneys for your new Aladdin lamp, look for the Heelless chimney model R-910-500. The mantles are still the Lox-On style
Covid has caused a delay in production.

Covid has caused a delay in production.

Covid has caused delays in production, and has also INCREASED the amount of people needing Aladdin Lamps.   Items are coming in slower than usual which has caused many back orders.  We are doing our best to keep you updated on what is available.  Also we are adding some unique VINTAGE Genuine Aladdin Fonts with NEW MaxBrite burners to create one of a kind genuine Aladdin Lamps ( they will however NOT be period for appraisal purposes.)

Aladdin is ALSO bring some production back to the USA which also takes a while to get up and going.  BE ASSURED THAT ALADDIN LAMPS ARE STILL GOING STORNG AND BRINGING YOU THE SAME BRIGHT LIGHT YOU DEPEND ON!

Stay safe, Thank you for hanging in there with us during this delay.  We are working hard to get stock back in and supply your needs.